Electrical Contractor Telecom Kits

Product Highlights

These handy telecom installer tool kits contain essential industry standard telecommunications tools and test equipment.

  • Choose either Telecom Installer Kit I with TS®30 Test Set or Telecom Installer Kit II with Pro3000 Analog Tone & Probe
  • D814 industry standard punch down tool for reliable terminations
  • Ever Sharp 66/110 cut blade provides flexibility for different block and jack terminations
  • Cable Stripper quickly rings and slits many types of cable
  • Use the Probe Pic to check for loose or damaged connections


Fluke Networks’ Electrical Contractor Telecom Kits are comprised of industry standard telecommunications tools and telecom test equipment, in a durable cordura handy tool bag. The telephone hand tools kits are designed for telecom technicians who install, test and troubleshoot phone and data lines.

Electrical Contractor Telecom Installer Tool Kit Bag I includes a TS®30 Test Set w/ Angled Bed-of-Nails Cord, D814 Impact Tool, EverSharp 66/110 Cut Blade, Electrician’s D-Snips, Cable Stripper, Standard 4-Wire Modular Adapter and Probe Pic

Electrical Contractor Telecom Kit Bag II includes the same items but offers the Pro3000 Analog Tone & Probe in place of the TS30 Test Set.

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